The Government of Uganda, through the Climate Change Department (CCD), Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) in collaboration with Africa Innovations Institute (AfrII) is implementing Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency Project (CBIT) that seeks to “Strengthen Capacity of Institutions in Uganda to comply With the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement.”

CBIT is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through Conservation International (CI) and is pursuing 3 key components; Support the establishment and strengthening the institutional arrangements for robust GHG emission inventory and MRV system, build the capacity of key stakeholders to collect, process and feed gender-disaggregated data into the GHG emissions inventory system and test and pilot the Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Inventory and Monitoring Reporting Verification (MRV) system.

CBIT Project Objectives

CBIT Key Interventions

(i) Institutional arrangements for data collection and processing in the key GHG sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), Energy & Transport, Industrial Processes and Product use (IPPU) and Waste) strengthened.

(ii) The capacity of stakeholders built on data collection and processing protocols; and procurement of state-of-the-art equipment and tools.

(iii) GHG inventory and MRV system functional.

For more information about the CBIT Uganda project, please follow the link below; https://www.cbitplatform.org/projects/strengthening-capacity-institutions-uganda-comply-transparency-requirements-paris

Component 1: Supports the establishment and strengthening of the institutional arrangements for a robust GHG inventory and MRV system. This component addresses; policy and institutional governance, data collection and processing, and coordination of mitigation actions.

Component 2: Build the capacity of key stakeholders to collect process and feed gender-disaggregated data into the GHG inventory system. The major activities emphasize quality control and assurance through the development of data collection and processing protocols.

Component 3: Test and pilot the GHG emission inventory and MRV system. This component will ensure that data from GHG inventory and MRV system will be fed into the global CBIT coordination platform using standard templates.