Climate Change Mainstreaming Tools and Support


Government of Uganda is working with the World Bank Group (WBG) to advance the implementation of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Partnership Plan on the integration of climate risk considerations into investment design through the development and institutionalization of customized Climate and Disaster Risk Screening (CDRS) tools; and the identification and tracking of climate appropriations through the application of the Climate Change Budget Tagging (CCBT) tool. This climate change mainstreaming technical assistance is a contribution of the WBG to the NDC Partnership, funded by the WBG’s NDC Support Facility.


What is climate and disaster risk screening?

Climate and Disaster Risk Screening (CDRS) is an essential step to ensure climate and natural disaster risks are assessed and managed to support mainstreaming of adaptation and resilience into key development policies, programs, and projects. Considering climate and disaster risks in today’s development planning, can increase the long-term success of development efforts, while realizing other co-benefits.

The customized CDRS Tools provide a structured and systematic way for sector projects to undertake due diligence and enable an early characterization of climate and disaster risks using an in-built interface on key climate patterns and trends. The output of this screening will provide the basis to better address climate and disaster risks in project design and implementation.

Why screen for climate and geophysical hazards?

  • Learn about the climate trends and key geophysical hazards relevant to a specific location and project.

  • Flag potential impacts and risks from climate and geophysical hazards in a systematic, consistent, and transparent way.

  • Inform the dialogue, construction and planning processes at the project and program level

  • Recognize the need for further detailed assessment during project preparation and or planning processes.

  • Identify other resources and tools to complement your assessments.


Click here to enter the project Dashboard. You may create an account to store and access all projects screening results. 
Apply this tool for projects in sub sector related to crops and land management. irrigation and drainage, livestock, rural transport, and storage and processing. 
Apply this tool for projects related to energy efficiency in heat, power & end use, hydro-power, oil & gas, other renewable energy and transmission & distribution of electricity.
Apply this tool for projects related to biodiversity, forestry. fisheries/acquaculture and coastal flood protection.
Apply this tool for projects sub sectors related to aviation, marine transportation, multi-modal and transit systems, rail, river transportation and roads
Apply this tool for projects in Sub Sectors related to dams and reservoirs, land use and watershed management, riverine flood protection, wastewater, water supply and sanitation.


  • Climate Budget Tagging Tool

  • FAQs

  • User Manual

  • Past Trainings


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