H.E Ambassador Adonia Ayebare, the Chair of the Group of 77 & China held an open minded informal consultation with the incoming COP29 Presidency on 10th June 2024 on the side lines of the Bonn Climate Change Conference in Germany.....

Uganda hosts Inter-Ministerial Conference on Migration, Environment, and Climate Change
In advance of the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will...

Press briefing on the second National Climate Change Symposium
Press briefing on the second National Climate Change Symposium Ministry of Water and Environment/Climate Change Department urges climate change actors to utilize the platform provided...

Walk the Talk, and support global climate action: Offset your travel to COP 24
As the world prepares for COP 24, UN Climate Change secretariat (UNFCCC) invites you to walk the talk by estimating your travel climate footprint to...