Roadmap to COP29 at the Bonn Climate Conference (June 2024)

Roadmap to COP29 at the Bonn Climate Conference (June 2024)

H.E Ambassador Adonia Ayebare, the Chair of the Group of 77 & China held an open minded informal consultation with the incoming COP29 Presidency on 10th June 2024 on the side lines of the Bonn Climate Change Conference in Germany. The G77 and China consists of a diverse set of states with a common South-South ideology. Uganda holds its chairmanship for 2024, succeedin2024g Cuba.

H.E Ambassador Adonia Ayebare outlined the groups expectations and the collective vision the group desires to see in the run up to United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) due to take place in November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Top among the priorities of the G77 and China are; operationalization of the loss and damage fund, support to developing countries for preparation and implementation of National Adaptation Plans, the UAE-Bélem work program outlining the framework to assess collective progress on the Global Goal on Adaptation, support for implementation of technology needs assessments (TNAs).

H.E Ambassador Adonia Ayebare was flanked by Hon. Lawrence Biyika Songa, the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Climate Change in the Parliament of Uganda.

Uganda’s chairmanship of G77 and China is supported by a technical multi stakeholder representation under the leadership of Mr. Alfred Okot Okidi, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Water and Environment, Mrs. Margaret Athieno Mwebesa, Commissioner Climate Change/ UNFCCC National Focal Point with the day to day operations of the office of the Chair coordinated by Mr. Bob Natifu – Assistant Commissioner Climate Change.

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